A common occurrence for small businesses is you’re always short on cash flow – you as a petroleum product retailer, for example, might have the opportunity to fulfill an LPO while you still have customers who owe you and haven’t paid up yet. What do you do, where do you go when you need money but only for a short while?
The misconception people have about loans is that it takes a long time to pay up and while some do, not all loans are long term. Long term loans have a strict lending criteria as well as strong collateral backing while payments are spread over the years – 10 years or more.
You don’t need that. As a matter of fact, it’s not like you don’t have money, on the contrary, you have money but it’s just not currently accessible to you.
What you need is a short term loan!
Just like the name implies, short term loans are easily accessible, hassle-free and do not require as strict a lending criteria as long term – just in case you don’t have the time or the strength or even the financial history to back it up.
Short term loans might just be what your small business needs to get some breathing space when you’re low on cash and your customers are taking some time to pay up their debts. With a short term loan, your business will run smoothly as it should, without any hiccups due to financial shortfalls.
Why pass on that investment opportunity or that new equipment that would make all the difference in your business when you could just take a short term loan and let your business grow?
Short term loans allow you to:
- Pay up your workers’ wages without owing them salaries
- Purchase new equipment to move your small business forward
- Finance your business’ day-to-day activities smoothly
- Take advantage of investment or business opportunities that require immediate cash injection or funding
When you need to act quickly in issues of finances, think short term loans and think Thomas Gilts. Click “Get a loan” below now to start.